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Ana Flores Psychologist

Fazer terapia é um ato de amor próprio

SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT       _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5_cf-111) 99191-2005

Quem Sou Eu


Ana Paula Flores, from a young age, knew that she wanted to have a career that would make a difference in people's lives. This interest led me to study psychology, my second degree that ended up becoming a full-time activity. As a Clinical Psychologist, with a CBT approach, cognitive behavioral therapy, training in Therapeutic monitoring of personality disorders carried out by the IPq Anxiety program at HC-FMUSP, NLP, mindfulness, I provide online assistance, based in São Paulo. unique and committed, dedicating myself, updating myself to meet your needs in the best possible way. 

AGENDE SUA CONSULTA         (11) 99191-2005




Online Psychologist for Anxiety Crises, Mood Disorders, Emotional Dependence, Emotional Difficulties, Depression and lack of Self Esteem.


Psychotherapy consists of a set of therapeutic practices between the psychologist and the patient with the intention of reducing suffering, interpreting the events and happenings of a person's life.

Contrary to what many people may think, therapy is recommended for anyone who wants to improve emotional aspects in their life and not just for those who have some kind of mental disorder. The psychologist has the function of helping the patient in the search for answers, making him understand the reason for the emergence of certain thoughts and attitudes.

The treatment is carried out through online therapy, through video applications in real time, through smartphones, tablets, notebooks connected to the internet, in which the psychologist performs sessions lasting 60 minutes, upon payment in advance, proof of deposit. and appointment scheduling.

Through this psychotherapeutic treatment through several personalized sessions for each patient, it is possible to improve the quality of relationships, learn to overcome a emotional codependency  and harmonize feelings, attitudes and behaviors.


Benefits of Online Therapy

offer mgreater flexibility

Very accessible and practical, patients have the opportunity to talk to their psychologist in the safety and comfort of their homes. It is possible to schedule consultations or therapy sessions for the days and times that are most suitable for your routine. 

Provides emotional support

Virtual care stood out as an important support to promote mental rehabilitation.

The distance psychology service favors people who live in isolated regions, especially those who would not be able to travel to face-to-face care locations. With this, patients still have the advantage of reaching the best professionals and getting the support they need in just one click.


Facilitates access to treatments

The online therapy session is considered more dynamic, as the patient can undergo sessions and receive psychological care at any time and place. As long as you make a prior appointment, it is possible to maintain follow-up with the psychologist with the same quality as the face-to-face service.


Favors those with mobility difficulties

Provides flexible solutions for elderly people, especially those with chronic illnesses or limitations related to locomotion. Many of these issues can evolve into bouts of depression  and anxiety, which requires support for recovery from these disorders.


Promotes quality of life

The possibility of doing therapy online is an excellent alternative for both inhabitants of small or rural towns and for those who live in large urban centers. People who live in urban areas can save time, money and even avoid wear and tear in traffic.

Brings accessibility to people from other cities in Brazil and abroad. Such factors directly influence the mental state and promote well-being and quality of life.


A psicoterapia consiste em um conjunto de práticas terapêuticas entre o psicólogo e o paciente com a intenção de diminuir sofrimentos, interpretar os eventos e acontecimentos da vida de uma pessoa.

Ao contrário do que muitas pessoas podem pensar, a terapia é recomendada para qualquer pessoa que deseja melhorar aspectos emocionais em sua vida e não apenas para quem tem algum tipo de transtorno mental. O psicólogo tem a função de auxiliar o paciente na busca por respostas, fazendo-o entender o porquê do surgimento de certos pensamentos e atitudes.

O tratamento é feito através da terapia online, por meio de aplicativos de vídeo em tempo real, através de smartphones, tablets, notebooks ligados à internet, no qual a psicóloga realiza sessões de duração de 60 minutos, mediante a pagamento antecipado ,comprovante de depósito e agendamento de horário.

Por meio desse tratamento psicoterapêutico através de várias sessões personalizadas para cada paciente , é possível melhorar a qualidade dos relacionamentos, aprender a superar a codependência emocional e harmonizar sentimentos, atitudes e comportamentos.

AGENDE SUA CONSULTA         (11) 99191-2005



Obrigada !!!

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